Monday, May 23, 2011

Friday, May 27

Hi class!
Remember that this Friday we have class starting 5:00 pm at Colegio Inter/Universidad UTIC (across from
Mita´i Restaurant).  If you can't make it by 5, that's OK, just come later, but COME PLEASE!

Remember that the Final Exam is Saturday... as well as those wonderful projects you're all preparing! :)

I forgot to mention it, but those projects are all going to the Embassy for them to see, since this is the last module they cover, so make them beautiful!

See you all on Friday, YES or YES!!!!!

T. Romina

P.S. 1 Those of you who haven't written on the blog (comments) have until this Friday morning to do so (so it gives me enough time to read and correct them before the Exam).

P.S. 2 Don't forget your movie worksheet for Friday and to vote on the Poll so I can have some feedback...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hi class!

Ok, your recuperation classes are going to be on Tuesday, May 17 and Thursday May 19, from 18:00 - 20:00 in Bernardino Caballero, Room 1.  The teacher will be Tom Hancock, who you already know.

Take advantage of the classes so we can have enough time to watch the movie! I was thinking we could watch it on Saturday, May  21 so then we can concentrate on the student book on our last Recuperation class, May 27 (which I will be teaching you).

The Final Exam will be on May 28, which is also the day you have the presentations of your projects (some other classes might be invited to watch them).

So, go to the recuperation classes next week and I'll see you on Saturday!

T. Romina

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Discussing Chapters 24-25

You guys know what to do!  Comment your ideas, feelings, likes, dislikes on the chapters we read on Saturday.  Whatever opinion you have is completely valid as long as you can support it, explain it, back it up with clear explanations and examples.  

Don't forget to also comment on at least one other person's ideas.  This, like every week's writing, is worth 10 points.

The deadline is Friday, May 6 at 8:00 pm.

Note: Many of you are not commenting on some other person's ideas... it's very important that you do this or you won't get the full 10 points! 

Tip: Remember, in a good piece of writing you must put your soul there, you have to be courageous to write your true thoughts, otherwise what you wrote can seem uninteresting... the more thruthful you are, the more interesting it is for others to read and know you as a person.  Bear this in mind when you put your ideas on paper.

P.S. I don't know what's the matter with most of you, but we only have a couple of more weeks of class left, so please complete all the work as much as possible.  Don't forget about your projects!

Summarizing Chapters 24-25

The person chosen, Cynthia, must write the summary for the last 2 chapters, 24-25.

See you all on Saturday!

T. Romina

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hi Guys!
There's been a change, so tomorrow's going to be a holiday.... therefore we won't have recuperation class.  See u all next Saturday, May 7.

P.S.  All the Jane Eyre work still must be carried out!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Discussing Chapters 21-23

You guys know what to do!  Comment your ideas, feelings, likes, dislikes on the chapters we read on Saturday.  Whatever opinion you have is completely valid as long as you can support it, explain it, back it up with clear explanations and examples.  

Don't forget to also comment on at least one other person's ideas.  This, like every week's writing, is worth 10 points.

The deadline is Friday, April 29 at 8:00 pm.

Note: Many of you are not commenting on some other person's ideas... it's very important that you do this or you won't get the full 10 points! 

Tip: Remember, in a good piece of writing you must put your soul there, you have to be courageous to write your true thoughts, otherwise what you wrote can seem uninteresting... the more thruthful you are, the more interesting it is for others to read and know you as a person.  Bear this in mind when you put your ideas on paper.

Summarizing Chapters 21-23

The person chosen by Pablo (I don't remember who it was.. sorry! ) must write the summary for the next 3 chapters, 21-23.

See you all on Friday at 6:00 pm!

T. Romina

P.D. It was Maida...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Questions Chapters 18-20

Dear class,

Here's the link to CHAPTERS 18-20... If you have any problems downloading it, please send me an email about it.

T. Romina


Hi everyone!

I found the exact book we're reading in class in electronic format, in case some of you don't have some chapters... I know it's a bit late, but I hope it'll be useful anyway.  Just click on the link JANE EYRE E-BOOK and you'll be able to access it.    

Have a good week!

T. Romina

Discussing Chapters 18-20

You guys know what to do!  Comment your ideas, feelings, likes, dislikes on the chapters we read on Saturday.  Whatever opinion you have is completely valid as long as you can support it, explain it, back it up with clear explanations and examples.  

Don't forget to also comment on at least one other person's ideas.  This, like last week's writing, is worth 10 points.

The deadline is Friday, April 22 at 8:00 pm.

Note: Many of you are not commenting on some other person's ideas... it's very important that you do this or you won't get the full 10 points! 

Tip: Remember, in a good piece of writing you must put your soul there, you have to be courageous to write your true thoughts, otherwise what you wrote can seem uninteresting... the more thruthful you are, the more interesting it is for others to read and know you as a person.  Bear this in mind when you put your ideas on paper. 

Summarizing Chapters 18-20

The person chosen by Eligio (I don't remember who it was.. sorry! ) must write the summary for the next 3 chapters, 18-20.

Happy Easter everyone!

T. Romina

Edit: Was it Pablo?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Jane Eyres Since the Beginning of Film

As I’ve already mentioned a few times in class, there have been more than twenty cinematography versions of Jane Eyre, including from the silent film era.  I thought I’d do a little research so as to find out who they were, and what I observed was that the actresses who depicted Jane throughout time have been very different, physically.  I only found 14 of the actresses with pictures, but I’d like to share them with all of you and hear your opinions.  I’ll start with the oldest, which is from more than ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO, 1910 to be exact!

1.       Mabel Ballin, 1910
A 23 year old Jane, one of the youngest

2.       Virginia Bruce, 1934 
Platinum blonde Jane!
24 years old...

3.       Joan Fontaine, 1943
Yes, the one from your books!
Saint Jane! 26 years old.

4.       Daphne Slater, 1956  
Only a profile photo,
She was 28 years old.

5.       Mia Goossen, 1958
Super styled Jane..
She was 33 yrs
here, the oldest Jane of them all!


6.       Sally Ann Howes, 1961
Hmmm… interesting hairdo
for Jane. Looks like it’s loose,
which would have been
impossible for the times.
She was 31 yrs old here.

7.       Anne Bell, 1963
Is this another blonde
Jane? She was 23 at
this time.

8.       Susannah York, 1970
Red-Headed Jane; she was
31 years old when she took
on this role, which still
gives me hope that I can
be Jane one day too! ;)

9.       Sorcha Cusack, 1973
Scared Jane? She was
24 yrs old here, but
doesn’t she look a bit

10.   Zelah Clarke, 1983
29 years old.

11.   Charlotte Gainsbourgh, 1996
French Jane.  25 years old.

12.   Samantha Morton, 1997
20 years old… wow she’s
the closest one so far in
age! Youngest Jane!

13.   Ruth Wilson, 2006
My favorite Jane! 24 years old.

And finally….

14.   Mia Wasikowska, 2011
New Jane, 21 years old.
             So, what do you think? Which actress looks like your idea of Jane Eyre the most?
TRIVIA: Out of the 14 Janes shown, 4 of the actresses have names that begin with the letter 'S' and two are named Mia.  Only one is named Jane, 'Joan' in French.

Only 2 of the actresses can be considered to be close to Jane's age in the book (Samantha Morton and Mia Wasikowska with 20 and 21 years of age respectively), the rest are between the ages of  23 and 33, considered a bit too old to portray Jane, a teenager.

Jane Eyre is generally considered to be 'plain', but most of the actresses depicting her are or were considered beautiful in their time.

Jane is generally considered to have plain brown hair, although the book doesn't really specify. However, most of the actresses have always been brown-haired, with the exception of Virginia Bruce (blonde) and Susannah York (red-head)... the rest of the actresses have either dyed their hair brown or worn wigs (as is the case of Wasikowska).

Friday, April 8, 2011

Question Chapters 14-17

Hi everyone!
Yes, I made a mistake and posted the incomplete version of chapter 14! And nobody let me know... what a shock! Anyway, you'll have to do it this upcoming week then! Sorry!


See you all tomorrow! Bright and early!

T. Romina

P.S. If there are any problems, please let me know as soon as possible!!!

Discussing Chapters 15-17

The assignment is the same as the first four times! :)  Comment your ideas, feelings, likes, dislikes on the chapters we read on Saturday.  Whatever opinion you have is completely valid as long as you can support it, explain it, back it up with clear explanations and examples. 

Don't forget to also comment on at least one other person's ideas.  This, like last week's writing, is worth 10 points.

The deadline is Friday, April 15 at 8:00 pm.

Note: Many of you are not commenting on some other person's ideas... it's very important that you do this or you won't get the full 10 points!

Tip: Remember, in a good piece of writing you must put your soul there, you have to be courageous to write your true thoughts, otherwise what you wrote can seem uninteresting... the more thruthful you are, the more interesting it is for others to read and know you as a person.  Bear this in mind when you put your ideas on paper. 

Summarizing Chapters 15-17

The person Clara chooses tomorrow will write the summary for the next 3 chapters, 15-17. 

Is it a boy's turn again? :)

T. Romina