Saturday, April 2, 2011

Summarizing Chapters 12-14

You know what to do Clara! :)  You're the chosen one this week so you're responsible for writing the complete summary of the three chapters.  I know you'll do a great job!  Happy writing!

T. Romina


  1. Ok
    A gipsy went to Thornfield, all the young ladies were very excited and wanted to know their fortune. The first to go into her, was Miss Ingram, she spent about fifteen minutes with her. When she went out from the library, she complained about the things that the gipsy said to her, and started to read a book, but she never changed the page, Jane realized that Miss Ingram was in shock, All the ladies said that the gipsy was old, dirty and ugly, but agreed that she knew everything about them. Finally, was the turn of Jane to see and listen to this skilled fortune-teller.
    At the very begining, Jane said to her that she really don´t believe in her skills, the gipsy agreed with that, and started to give quest to Jane, in fact, Jane felt a little strange about what the gipsy was saying. And finally, She did show who she was for real. Jane was amazed when she realized that was Mr. Rochester! After that, Jane told to him that an stranger arrived to the house and wanted to see him, Rochester asked for his name, and Jane said that it was Mr. Mason. Mr. Rochester started to act weird, trying to make up the mind of Jane, to stay with him no matter what would happen in the future, She said yes to this proposal.
    At night, when everybody were sleeping, Jane heard a wild terrible cry broking the silence, that sound came from a room just above her. The voice started to call for help, Jane did not find her master on her room, but then, he appeared with a candle from the top floor, he calmed everybody. Jane suspected about the voice, so she got dressed and waited in her room, when, suddenly someone knocked her door, it was her master.
    They went quietly up to the top floor, they entered into a small room with courtains hung on the walls, in that room, there was a secret room. He said to wait him outside, she agreed, he entered and someone shouted on laught to greet him, she realized that Grace Poole were there. Then, he showed her that in an armchair was Mr Manson, lying and covered with blood. Rochester asked Jane to clean and take care of him meanwhile he was trying to call a doctor. The doctor and Rochester talk to each other about something that Jane did not understand. Rochester said to Jane, that many things happened in his life, and the cure for all his afflictions was…
    Jane received a letter from Gateshead that informed her that her aunt was ill and her cousin John died, they invited her to go into there, she asked permision to her master to go, he said yes and payed her 10 pounds, and made her to promise that she will return. Jane arrived to Gateshead, saw her cousins, very changed, and then saw her aunt, the old woman was crazy, and hated Jane until the end, but before dieying, she revealed Jane a letter from another uncle of hers, called John Eyre, that invited her to go into him in any case, her aunt said to her that she never told her about the letter before because she really hated Jane. Nobody cried for the death of Mrs Reed.

  2. Great summary Clara! Very detailed!
